
How are you today? Life's good?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Suckling pig over fire.  I saw this behind the Hap Chen shop.

Pork belly undergoing seasoning.

3-layered pork, chicken wings, fish for barbeque.


Chicken cooked in bamboo

That's chicken cut into pieces with ingredients such as lemon grass, chilli, garlic, onion, ginger, salt, pepper, some sugar.

Chicken and ingredients well mixed.

Put chicken into the bamboo.

Prepare the barbeque pit.

Block the entrance of the bamboo to retain steam and heat.

Turn them once in a while so that all sides are evenly cooked.

Bamboos look charred after cooking but as long as the juice from the food inside do not ooze out, then it's  alright.
Pour out the cooked chicken into a bowl.

Chicken cooked in bamboo!

All recipes are on Petitchef

Fish cooked in bamboo

Prepare the fish.

Chop into pieces.

Put in ingredients such as lemon grass, garlic, onion, ginger, chilli, salt, pepper, sesame oil.

Mix them well.

That's how it looks like inside the bamboo.

Put the well-mixed and seasoned fish into the bamboo.

3 bamboos ready for cooking.  Can buy these at the jungle produce market.  Price range from RM0.50 (small) to RM2 (big) per piece.
Prepare the barbeque pit.

Block the entrance of the bamboos with tapioca leaves or banana leaves or can use kangkong leaves together with stems.  This is done to retain the steam inside the bamboo.  It works like a high pressure cooker.

After cooking, the bamboo will get charred but it's ok.

After it is cooked, pour out the fish into a bowl.  

That's fish cooked in bamboo.

All recipes are on Petitchef