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Friday, November 20, 2009

Evening fun at Khao San Road, Bangkok

It was my first trip to Bangkok recently - October 2009 and I really enjoyed myself. My first stop was at Khao San Road. Things here are relatively cheaper and there are quite a number of tourists around. After a long day of travelling, it was nice to stroll along the street after checking into a hotel. The Thais are friendly people and very helpful. Khao San Road comes alive at night and offers a lot of entertainment. My first experience was the phad thai, noodles similar to our local "kueh tiaw" and I was hungry so ordered a plate from the hawker along the street. To my surprise, the lady cooked on the spot and handed me a plate of freshly fried phad thai and a pair of chopsticks. I thought: she expected me to eat right there and then? Eat along the street? Well, looking around, I saw a few Europeans eating from plates while walking around with their backpack still strapped to their backs. Hmmmm! I did likewise and really enjoyed the experience.

My first fragant coconut drink in Bangkok was a refreshing experience. The seller was really very fashionably dressed.

I met some "mobile" sales ladies selling beadworks, etc.

My first pair of sandals

Well, being a mother and I believe all mothers are the same, we give a lot of time, patience, effort to our family and children. A lot of focus is on the family's needs instead of our own. A mother puts in effort to bring up a good family and at the same time and I believe this is human nature, mothers will lament on the lack of time and attention for themselves.

I'm also one of those mothers. Well, I happen to have a pair of branded sandals that I bought while I was on holiday - you know, when you are on holiday, you'll tend to buy things that you will not normally buy while you are on home ground. After three to four years, things get worn out and needless to say, my sandals are in a sorry state. My toes keep sliding to the front and it is not very comfortable. I have been thinking of buying a new pair but keep putting it off. Nice comfortable nonslip sandals do not come cheap.

On one of those Sunday shopping trips, my sons suddenly offered to buy me a pair of new sandals and I get to pick what I want. Of course, I went around a few shops and spotted a pair of 'Primavera' sandals that I liked. It costs RM69 which I thought was expensive for two kids to buy for their mother. However, the two kids insisted and I succumbed to the temptation. That's how I got my new sandals FREE of CHARGE!