
How are you today? Life's good?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Waterfall at Kampung Jantan, Lundu, Sarawak, Malaysia in pictorial form

The day of the Hike: 18 September 2011 (Saturday).  This is around 8:10 am

Checking the names and counting the heads.

Sharing a joke!

Captain looking for late-comers.  There are sure to be late-comers for any event.  (Stating a fact)

Hanging around waiting for everybody to turn up.

Finally everybody is present and the Captain gives his important briefing.

Captain registers himself at the Kampung before starting the journey.

Our guide is the handsome guy standing on the right.

The journey starts.

Looking smart, eh?

Looking very smart!

First resting point waiting for the rest of the gang to catch up.  Feeling in tip-top condition.  Not going uphill yet.

Taking a breather.

Reach the river and there are big rocks in the middle and along the banks of the river.  The sound of running water is thunderous.

See how tranquil is the water?

Very tired hiker.  See the sweat on the face?  Notice how flat is the hair?  BUT survived.

Huge gigantic rocks!

Along the banks of the river.

Have to climb up there and go up some more to reach waterfall.

Nothing to do so play around with the camera.

Idle past-time.


Some more relaxing.

Very bored already!  Alone and bored.

Changed venue and dipped feet into water.
Some more dipping.  Water's icy-cold but very refreshing.

See how clear is the water?  That reminds me of a poem in one of my literature lessons: "water water everywhere and not a single drop to drink."  [Remember super-sonic boy took the backpack with food and water away?

I can see no more dirt on those feet.  Water so clear and clean but not a single drop can I drink.
Feeling rested although thirsty.

Feeling refreshed although tired.


Calm and peaceful!  The healing process of nature.

Big rocks in the middle of the river and very slippery.  That's where I dropped down a few minutes later and screamed until all the birds flew away and the monkeys ran away.

Wow, no stress.
A tree growing out of the rock.

Natural hanger.

Whose shoes are these?

Where's the other leg?

Gushing water.

Happy time!  Return journey.

Going home!!!
This is the journey further up the waterfall where I did not go.  Photo courtesy of super-sonic boy.

Very slippery so need a helping hand.


Site is nearer to the waterfall.

Whoa, that rock looks like a crocodile head.

Some more walking across rocks.

I was told the view is part of Kuching city.

At the top of the waterfall.  Whoa, I cannot stand heights.  Looking at this photo, I can imagine my legs trembling like washing machine in spinning mode.
Along the way to the waterfall, there's a rubber garden.  Someone has been tapping rubber that morning.

The latex flows ...........

.......... down to the black cup to be collected soon.

Cocoa garden.

That's how cocoa fruits look like.

Durians!  The smaller ones on the right are RM2 per fruit.  Further towards the left, slightly bigger at RM3 per fruit.

These are bigger and earned its place on the table at RM6 per fruit but I bought 5 durians at RM20.

A tall cactus near one of the kampung houses.

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