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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A mother's prayer

Day 1

Dear Father in Heaven
Creator of Heaven and Earth
Help me by giving me patience
Patience in dealing with teenage children
One came home, out of the blue, with his hair coloured red
I call him my "red hair and black eyebrow" son
He is indeed colourful
The other is too intelligent for his own good
He is often caught in a web of lies and deceit
because of his obsessive association with foolish friends

Day 2

O God Almighty of Heaven and Earth
I need some more patience in understanding the problems
of growing teens so that I can bring my children up
to be normal ordinary God-fearing men of tomorrows

Day 3

O Lord
I know you will not give me a burden that is too heavy for me to carry
But I ask for patience to help me deal with teen problems
and teen “growing up pains”

Day 4
Dear God in Heaven
You understand me like no other and
I thank you for giving me two children and not four
Can I ask for some more patience?

Day 5
O Lord
Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven
But I NEED patience!!!

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